Thursday, November 28, 2019

History Slavery Original LanguageEnglish The Issue Of Slavery Has Bee

History Slavery original language:English The issue of slavery has been touched upon often in the course of history. The institution of slavery was addressed by French intellectuals during the Enlightenment. Later, during the French Revolution, the National Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which declared the equality of all men. Issues were raised concerning the application of this statement to the French colonies in the West Indies, which used slaves to work the land. As they had different interests in mind, the philosophes, slave owners, and political leaders took opposing views on the interpretation of universal equality. Many of the philosophes, the leaders of the Enlightenment, were against slavery. They held that all people had a natural dignity that should be recognized. Voltaire, an 18th century philosophe, pointed out that hundreds of thousands of slaves were sacrificing their lives just so the Europeans could quell their new taste for sugar, tea and cocoa. A similar view was taken by Rousseau, who stated that he could not bear to watch his fellow human beings be changed to beasts for the service of others. Religion entered into the equation when Diderot, author of the Encyclopedia, brought up the fact that the Christian religion was fundamentally opposed to Black slavery but employed it anyway in order to work the plantations that financed their countries. All in all, those influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment, equality, liberty, the right to dignity, tended to oppose the idea of slavery. Differing from the philosophes, the political leaders and property owners tended to see slavery as an element that supported the economy. These people believed that if slavery and the slave trade were to be abolished, the French would lose their colonies, commerce would collapse and as a result the merchant marine, agriculture and the arts would decline. Their worries were somewhat merited; by 1792 French ships were deliverin g up to 38,000 slaves and this trade brought in 200 million livres a year. These people had economic incentives to support slavery, however others were simply ignorant. One man, Raynal, said that white people were incapable of working in the hot sun and blacks were much better suited to toil and labor in the intense heat. Having a similar view to Raynal, one property owner stated that tearing the blacks from the only homes they knew was actually humane. Though they had to work without pay, this man said slave traders were doing the blacks a favor by placing them in the French colonies where they could live without fear for tomorrow. All of these people felt that the Declaration of the Rights of Man did not pertain to black people or their descendants. All people were not ignorant, however. There was even a group of people who held surprisingly modern views on slavery; views some people haven't even accepted today. In his Reflections on Black People, Olympe de Gouges wondered why blacks were enslaved. He said that the color of people's skin suggests only a slight difference. The beauty of nature lies in the fact that all is varied. Another man, Jacques Necker, told people that one day they would realize the error of their ways and notice that all people have the same capacity to think and suffer. The slavery issue was a topic of debate among the people of France. The views of the people, based on enlightenment, the welfare of the country or plain ignorance were tossed around for several more years until the issue was finally resolved. In the end the philosophes, with their liberated ideas, won out and slavery was abolished.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thanksgiving -- Social Science Facts about the Holiday

Thanksgiving Social Science Facts about the Holiday Thanksgiving is the happiest day in the U.S., according to a report from Facebooks Data Science team. This result came out of a 2009 study the social science giant conducted on happiness as measured by the word content of posts by its users. To conduct the study researchers counted positive versus negative words in status updates, and created a scale to measure which days are happier than others. Thanksgiving far outranked any other day of the year in terms of what they call Gross National Happiness. In fact, it outranked the average day by about 25 points on the scale and outranked Christmas- the second happiest day- by about 11 points. But does this really mean that Thanksgiving is the happiest day? Not necessarily. Given that what we share on social media is in large part influenced by social expectations and crowd behavior, its possible that Thanksgiving is actually the day when the greatest number of us perform happiness. Either way, its a nice thing, isnt it? Women Are Most Thankful for Friends, Family, and Health What are people most thankful for? Facebook has the answer for that too. During 2014 a gratitude challenge made the rounds on the site. Users who participated posted daily for upwards of a week about things that they were grateful for, and asked others to do the same. Facebooks Data Science team took the widespread popularity of the challenge as an opportunity to study what it is that people are most grateful for. They found some interesting results. Firstly, and importantly, they found that 90 percent of those who participated in the challenge were women, so what the study really tells us is what  women  are grateful for. So what is that? In order of rank:  friends, family, health, family and friends, a job, a husband, children, housing, life, and music. Analysis of how users participated in the challenge also revealed that while people are thankful for friends across age groups, older users are most likely to list spouse and family as more important (based on order of rank) than friends. It is perhaps unsurprising that people are most grateful for those closest to them, and for feeling healthy and well. Where the data get really interesting are at the state level. People in California and Virginia are more grateful for YouTube than people in other states, while Google is prized by those in Kansas, Netflix in New Hampshire, and Pinterest in Vermont. The challenge revealed that gratitude for god and religion are common in the southern states, and in Idaho and Utah. Finally, gratitude for seasonal weather patterns and phenomena like rainbows were common across many states too. Thanksgiving is Less Expensive Today than Two Decades Ago (Unless Youre a Gourmet Foodie) Every year since 1985 the American Farm Bureau Federation has calculated the cost of a Thanksgiving meal for ten people. While nominally that number has risen from $28.74 in 1986 to $50.11 in 2015, the real cost of a Thanksgiving meal has actually  declined  since 1986 when one accounts for inflation. Its actually about 20 percent cheaper today than it was nearly two decades ago. Why is this the case? Its likely due to a combination of government subsidies to large-scale farming operations, and the low cost of produce imported from Central and South America, thanks to NAFTA, CAFTA, and other free trade agreements. That is, of course, unless youre a hipster or a gourmet foodie. In those cases, as Time  estimated in 2014, the added value of an organic, free-range, or heritage turkey, and organic, locally-sourced vegetables and dairy will run upwards of $170 to $250 for that party of ten.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Great Depression Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Great Depression - Assignment Example This led to an increase in inventories while agricultural income remained relatively low. Federal regulations on the US businesses contributed to the Great Depression. This is especially because taxes laws were made favorable to large corporations. Macroeconomic policies never existed, and there was the absence of fiscal and monetary policies. Laissez-faire and hands off government were the watchwords used by the leaders. The Great Depression ended when the Federal Government of the United States imposed rationing, recruited around 6 million defense workers who included African Americans and women, ran massive deficits in order to fight World War II and drafted 6 million soldiers. Deficit spending, inflating the supply of money and the new deal of the federal government also cured the Great Depression. World War II also cured the Great Depression. The Great Depression ended in December 1941 at the same time when the World War II began. The economy had  been expanding since 1938, just less than three years before the country’s entry into the Second World War and the economy stopped expanding in 1945 before the war ended. During the war, the economy of US was a huge arsenal which led to the deterioration of the consumers well being. However, after the war, a genuine prosperity returned in the economy for the first time since 1929 making the war a cure of the Great Depression. Hebert Hoover was blamed for the Great Depression as he was not involved in the stock market issue. The depression affected him so much that he had to give much that he had to pull out his money from the stock market. He did not give government aids to the people for fear of inflating the budget of the Federal government and was forced to break off from the laissez-faire policy which was used to deal with depressions and recessions in the country. He was forced to spend more of the country’s income to help in economy rebound like the construction of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Credit Card Debt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Credit Card Debt - Essay Example b. The risk is even greater for women where financial problems are a leading cause of suicide (Khaitova). 2. Faced with a future and no education, the problems continue to escalate. a. Medical expenses and mounting health insurance costs drain your marginal income. b. Prospective employers may be reluctant to hire you due to your poor credit rating putting you further into an inescapable position ("Guess Who's Looking"). Transition: Now that we know the dangers posed by credit card debt, let's look at a way to eliminate the problem. C. Students who desire a credit card should complete a course in credit management before applying for a credit card. 1. Young students who have never been exposed to credit should be taught how to read the fine print. a. Credit applicants should understand the basic terms used with credit such as early payment penalty, variable APR, and flexible due dating. b. Credit card holders need to be aware that one missed payment can result in their interest rate escalating from 2% to 20% on all their cards. 2. We require a licensee for driving, fishing, and bartending and using credit should be no different. a. Misused credit can be as dangerous as an automobile. b. Credit education would help protect this at risk group from a lifetime of grief. Transition: Now let's take a look at what we've discussed and see how you can apply it to your own situation. III Conclusion A. Summary: I've demonstrated the negative effects that out of control credit can have on a student's academic performance and their health. It can be a problem that has the potential to escalate into a lifetime of agony. B: Final Appeal: A credit card can be a blessing if you need emergency automobile repair. It can also be a curse if the user doesn't... C. Preview: What I'm going to present to you in the next few minutes could save you from a lifetime of misery. I will make you aware of the credit card trap with its fine print and show you how to avoid the pitfalls of its seductive lure. A. Summary: I've demonstrated the negative effects that out of control credit can have on a student's academic performance and their health. It can be a problem that has the potential to escalate into a lifetime of agony. B: Final Appeal: A credit card can be a blessing if you need emergency automobile repair. It can also be a curse if the user doesn't understand the ramifications of making the payments. A course in credit management could instill a sense of responsible use, an understanding of the fine print, and eliminate the problem of massive student debt. Khaitova, Nigora. "Women Commit Suicide Due to Financial Problems, Unreciprocated Love and Male Violence (Experts)." Stop Violence Against Women. 29 Nov. 2005. Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights. 23 Aug. 2006 .

Monday, November 18, 2019

Lesson 1.3 Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lesson 1.3 Critical Thinking - Essay Example Childhood cancers occur at different sites of the body as compared to adulthood cancers. Most of the childhood cancers are brain tumors, leukemia and lymphoma and bone cancer. On the other hand, cancer in adults tends to occur mainly in the breast, colon, lungs, and pancreas and prostrate. There are also cancers that affect adults but virtually never occur in children, while at the same type some childhood cancers never occur in adults (Jones, 2008). With respect to treatment, cancers occurring in children’s bodies tend to respond better to treatments such as chemotherapy as compared to the way adults’ bodies do. Though this is the case, these treatments, like the radiation therapy and the chemotherapy may have long-term side effects. This requires for there to be a careful follow up for the rest of their lives on children who undergo this treatments (McCance, 2009). In the case study given, the 14 year-old female suffered from various side effects as a result of the dicloxacillin therapy she was undergoing. Some of the effects are common adverse drug reactions which include: headache, fever, purpura, swollen and bleeding gums and generalized petechiae. From the lab-work results, the young girl’s platelets’ count is low. The path physiology of cells and tissues or the cellular environment attribute greatly to cancer (White,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Theory of Alienation by Karl Marx

Theory of Alienation by Karl Marx Introduction Karl Marx has been dubbed as one of the most prolific and influential thinkers of the nineteenth century. He advocated the creation of a classless society that would be guided through proper democracy and equality. In essence, Marx criticized the capitalist system as an order in which the powerful firms have gained considerable power and clout. He argued that workers are treated as commodities under this system. The theory of alienation argues that workers are disenchanted with their work because it is controlled and supervised by hierarchies of managers and supervisors. The individual creativity and freedom has been stifled in the name of efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, Marx argues that the abject poverty of workers means that they cannot live in prosperous conditions. The capitalist system reaps tremendous profits but gives meager wages to its workers. Marx also believed that alienation resulted in workers being suspicious of each other due to the competitive nature of c apitalism. Finally the workers are instructed to perform specific tasks which are against the intrinsic nature of humanity. This nature helps them to attain creativity and design robust challenges to new problems. This report will seek to analyze the four types of alienation that are observed in Marxs theory. The personal experiences of the researcher will also be included in this report. Aspects of Alienation Karl Marx argued that alienation was a natural consequence of capitalism because of several reasons. This is because the workers are manipulated by the forces of capitalism in order to increase productivity and output. The results are that the workers will ultimately lose hope and determination (Leopold, 67). This is because the capitalists strive to ensure that the work activities of the workers are oriented towards specific goals and objectives. The desire of organizations is to ensure that workers can be exploited to attain the maximum surplus value. The worker is considered to be an instrument which leads to the loss of personal identity. It can lead to frustration and resentment since the modes of production are privately owned. Alienation from Products of own Labor Marx argued that the capitalist system seeks to create an illusion that workers are adequately compensated for the work that is performed. In essence, the capitalist system seeks to control the workers by deriving the benefits from the work activities of the latter. This can create alienation which can lead to serious consequences for entire society. In addition, the consumers are manipulated which is achieved through the offering of products (Desai, 93). The huge profits reaped by the capitalist system also can cause high levels of resentment and frustration among the workers. Alienation from Act of Producing Itself Marx believed that the capitalist system encouraged mechanical and repetitive work patterns that do not create any intrinsic value for the workers. The power of workers is transformed into a commodity which is manifested in the form of wages (Carver, 78). Capitalism controls the destinies of the workers by supervising and directing their work activities. This creates serious resentment among the workers who feel deprived of their destinies. In addition, the workers are unable to consume the products that are developed by them within a capitalist system. Alienation from his or her species being Marx argued that human beings have the capability to develop dynamic thinking through the pursuit of multiple endeavors. Thus humanity retains the ability to contemplate the surrounding environment and develop robust challenges to problems. Marx therefore argues that human society is characterized by a constant state of flux and change. The social classes emerge to overthrow existing orders and manipulate the masses (Carver, 78). The results are that a new class relationship that exists in capitalism eventually stifles the creativity and innovation of human beings. This can create resentment which leads to serious consequences. Alienation from Producers Marx argued that capitalism eventually confines labor to the position of a commercial commodity. This means that social relationships are ignored while human beings under the system strive to attain endurance or betterment. The competitive nature of capitalism eventually creates conflicts and disputes. This can cause high levels of alienation and resentment among the masses (Carver, 80). The basic structure of the capitalist system is such that it can cause deterioration in social structures and relationships since workers must compete for scarce resources in order to survive. Personal Alienation I have been working as a sales coordinator for a large organization that is involved in the sale of curtains, sofas, beds, and other furniture. Marx argues that the primary form of alienation is when the workers feel disillusioned with the work activities. This is true for me in many ways. A sales job can be frustrating as we are told to meet basic targets and increase the revenues of the firm. Marx argued that pre-capitalist societies allowed artisans to have a degree of independence in their work activities. Modern capitalist organizations tend to have hierarchies in which the workers are controlled through a system of checks and controls (Wolff, 91). Managers seek to develop the targets and ensure that compliance with organizational policies is achieved. As a sales coordinator, I feel disillusioned with my work activities because of the absence of any incentives. The long hours means that I have to ensure that goals are being met in an efficient and effective manner. The sales strategy promoted by the firm is based upon the notion that existing approaches will be implemented. There is no concept of workers autonomy which could lead to high levels of creativity and innovation. This creates problems because Marx argued that it was essential for workers to be given high levels of autonomy in order to increase their motivation. The second point of Marxs theory is the fact that workers are living in abject poverty due to the conditions of capitalism. He argues that workers are unable to meet their basic requirements due to the wage structure and working conditions of the capitalist system. As a sales coordinator, I believe that this is true because I have to ensure that targets are being met in an efficient and effective manner. The commi ssions earned from direct selling are often inadequate to meet the basic requirements of life. Wages earned from a sales position are adequate for sustenance but they do not enable me to improve my quality of life. It means that I continue to remain trapped within my specific social class due to the structure of the capitalist system (Wolff, 96). Income disparities remain in the United States as top executives are earning remuneration that is fifty times greater than sales coordinators like me. The income gaps create a sense of resentment and alienation towards the system. Therefore my organization is an oligarchy which does not have the proper functions of a democracy. Marx argues that workers do not control their destinies because the capitalist system tends to have overwhelming influence over the modes of production. The results are that workers are unable to increase productivity and output. They cannot derive significant social relationships from each other (Wolff, 93). Marx argues that capitalism has created a system whereby work activities are confined to a set of mechanical and repetitive tasks. For these tasks, the workers are provided meager wages that are inadequate to respond to their primary needs and requirements. As a sales coordinator, I have always focused on competition rather than creating a collaborative network with my fellow colleagues. This is because it is essential for sales coordinators to improve the revenues and profits of the firm. Each worker strives to move up the ladder through competitive strategy. the concept of cooperating orÂÂ   working together as a team has been replaced by the notion of competition. Each p erson therefore perceives his or her own interests rather than analyzing the common interests. As a consequence, I have to compete for scarce resources in order to improve sales. My only duty is to ensure that the organizational targets are being met in an efficient and effective manner. Marx argues that humans are born with the intrinsic ability to contemplate and perceive about the entire environment. This helps to encourage creativity which can be used to resolve complex situations. In addition, humans desire freedom and autonomy as a means of escaping the harsh social structures. Marx believes that social structures have always exerted a strong influence on individuals by creating a set of rules and regulations. In addition, humans must be left free to develop according to their interests and passions. This is surprisingly absent in the capitalist system that seeks to control the workers by treating them as commodities (Singer, 67). As a sales coordinator, I have to work according to the whims and desires of the management. This means that I will seek to achieve the targets of the firm. I will be left with no time in order to pursue my passions or interests. The job is necessary because it is vital for survival in a harsh environment. The market conditions determ ine the nature of human work. In my example, the needs of my furniture company are to target consumers and develop robust marketing strategies. As a sales coordinator, I have to ensure that consumers can be reached in an efficient and effective manner. much of Marxs theory of alienation remains appropriate even in the twenty first century. The abject poverty of workers remains in the world with sweatshop like conditions. The power and clout of the capitalist organizations remains superior. The workers are forced to undergo harsh activities in exchange for meager wages. Conclusion Karl Marxs theory of alienation was postulated in the nineteenth century which was characterized by the rise of capitalism. Industrialization had swept the developed world along with other phenomenon like urbanization, immigration, and capitalism. Marx argued that the capitalist system was based upon reinforcing the divisions of class. His theory of alienation appears to be appropriate even today. His first premise was that workers were alienated with their job duties. Capitalism had controlled the aspects of workers by forcing them to perform monotonous and repetitive tasks. Another premise is that workers live in abject poverty because of the meager wages that are given to them. Workers do not have control over their work activities which stifles their creativity and innovation. It also creates the conditions for oppression and exploitation at the hands of capitalist enterprises. Another premise of this theory is that workers do not have social relationships. The urge to compete ha s thus led to the destruction of the notion of cooperation and collaboration. Finally Marx argued that the workers were unable to attain self actualization in the capitalist environment. This is because capitalism seeks to create rules and regulations that will ultimately create bad conditions for workers. Personally, I have been alienated with my job as a sales coordinator. This is because of the poor working conditions. In addition, the checks and controls have led to monotonous work activities.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Ess

â€Å"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb† is a movie that portrays the situation during the Cold War in comical fashion. The movie is about the United State’s attempt to recall the planes ordered by the paranoid General Ripper to attack the Soviet Union and essentially save the planet from destruction. Producer and director Stanley Kubrick, basing the movie on the novel Red Alert intended the movie to be a straightforward drama but was unable to without using crucial scenes of the story that seemed to give the movie a more comical view of the plot.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first scene of the movie is the mid-air refueling of a fighter plan, where the refueling is depicted as a sort of sexual intercourse. The movie then shifts over to Burpleson Air Force base where General Jack D. Ripper, played by Sterling Hayden, gives his planes flying over the USSR the order to attack. When President Merkin J. Muffley, one of three characters played by Peter Sellers, finds out about this, he calls a meeting with his advisors in the War Room of the Pentagon to discuss possible solutions to the problem. General â€Å"Buck† Turgidson, played by George C. Scott, is called to attend this meeting and arrives late. Also attending the meeting is Dr. Strangelove, played by Peter Sellers, a German scientist with a robotic arm that insists on rising in Nazi salute.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the meeting, the viewers find out...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hamlet Thesis

Hamlet Thesis Statement In the play Hamlet, William Shakespeare writes of a tragedy in which Hamlet and Laertes both face the same problem-a murdered father. The paths of revenge that each of them take, parallel their characters and personalities throughout the play. While Hamlet broods over the murder of his father for the majority of the play, Laertes takes immediate action, and upon hearing about the death of his father, he rushes in and is ready to kill Claudius-whom he suspects has killed his father. When they first hear the news of their father’s death, Hamlet and Laertes react in very different ways.When Hamlet hears that Claudius was the one who killed his father, his immediate reaction was grief. This is no surprise, due to the fact that he was still mourning the death of his father, although everyone else had already gotten over it. In fact, most people thought that he was overdoing it ,and Claudius went so far as to tell him that he should get over it, and â€Å"Ye t so far hath discretion fought with nature that we with wisest sorrow think on him together with remembrance of ourselves† (act one, scene two).The way that Hamlet plans his revenge, is more intelligent than the way Laertes plans his. While Hamlet is a more intellectual person, as we can see from his quick wit and sarcasm, Laertes is more impulsive and â€Å"acts, then thinks† as we can see when he says â€Å"I am justly killed with mine own treachery† (act five, scene two). In such a situation, had the play not ended the way it did, Hamlet may have been more successful in avenging his father’s murder because of his responsibility and intellect.Despite the fact that Hamlet procrastinates, Hamlet was smarter in the way he planned his revenge because his procrastination was due to his grief and foresight. Although Laertes trait of acting quickly can be admired and gets the job done, in a situation that involves death and vengeance, strategy and discretion a re a must. From the beginning of the play, we can see that Hamlet is an intellectual thinker. Although he believes the ghost and pronounces that â€Å"it is an honest ghost† (act one, scene five) , he still takes precautions after he promises the ghost that he will take revenge.However, Hamlet is still a little wary of the ghost and therefor decides to feign madness so that he would be able to find out if Claudius was the true killer of his father. Even while feigning madness Hamlet thinks about the whole process of the madness. Unlike Laertes, Hamlet is careful not to disclose what the ghost has told him and only imparts to Horatio and Marcellus what happened when they swear on his sword that they would never speak of what they saw from that point on.One of the reasons why Hamlet is such a procrastinator is because he becomes caught up in the details and potential consequences. In the soliloquy of â€Å"to be or not to be† (act three, scene two) Hamlet loses the will to live and ponders whether it is worth it to exist. Due to the fact that Hamlet suffered the death of his father at a young age as well as well as many other hardships, Hamlet contemplates whether â€Å"Tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against the sea of troubles and by opposing, end them?To die: to sleep; no more;† (act three, scene two). However, after that, Hamlet mentions the potential consequences of the unknown after death. Due to the death of his father and his mother’s hasty remarriage which Hamlet does not approve of, Hamlet is well aware of the consequences of his actions and therefore is hesitant to act rashly. When planning his revenge, Hamlet does not jump to conclusions. When the players come, Hamlet asks them to perform â€Å"The Mousetrap†-a play of a murder similar to that of Hamlet's father's.Hamlet hopes that â€Å"The plays the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the kingâ €  (act two, scene two). Indeed, the plan worked and when Claudius stormed out of the theatre, all of Hamlets suspicions were confirmed. As Hamlet so eloquently noted, â€Å"What, frightened with false fire? †, (act three, scene two) Hamlet was now positive that Claudius was at fault for murdering his father. Another thing that slows Hamlet down in his plan of revenge is that he is a religious catholic, and he is very concerned about mortality.Hamlet is scared that if he kills Claudius, his father’s murderer, his soul will be damned. Hamlet is also scared that if he kills Claudius while he is praying, Claudius will go to heaven and that would not please Hamlet because he said that â€Å"A villain kills my father, and, for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven† (act three, scene three). Contrary to Hamlet, Laertes followed the passion in his heart. As soon as he returned from France and heard the news, he invaded the palace, and then asked the questions- the complete opposite of Hamlet.When Laertes hears that Hamlet killed his father, he expresses intense anger and openly announces his plan to take revenge. In his rage, Laertes yells that â€Å"Let what comes come, only I’ll be revenged most thoroughly for my father† (act four, scene five) and makes up his mind to take revenge no matter how or where. When Hamlet heard that his father had been murdered by Claudius, he had already been grieving his father’s death for a while and although the pain was still fresh, his father’s death was old news to him.Therefore, Hamlet was still able to think rationally and plan his revenge in a more intelligent manner. However, when Laertes heard about his father’s murder, he was so grief stricken that he could not think rationally and just followed what his heart told him- to kill Hamlet. Unlike Hamlet, Laertes has no problem â€Å"to cut his throat i' th' church! †(Act four, scene seven). To Laertes, mortality doesn't mean alot, as he so bluntly puts it- â€Å"Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit! I dare damnation. † (Act four, scene five) Due to his impulsive nature, Laertes tends to be unstable at times.However, Claudius, who suspects Hamlets unusual behavior, joins forces with Laertes to devise a plan to kill Hamlet. This proves a weakness of Laertes'- being unable to carry out his plans singlehandedly. Together, they scheme to kill Hamlet and even come up with a backup plan in case the first one does not go as planned. In the end, his plan of using a poisoned sword backfires when Hamlet ends up using the poisoned sword on him. When weighing in the pros and cons of each of their personalities and flaws, Hamlet took the smarter route in avenging his father’s murder.Although both Hamlet and Laertes die at the end of the play, the reason Hamlet kills himself is because he had nothing to live for. Ophelia, the love of his life was dead, his father was dead and Claudius had died. Since he had nothing to live for, he chose the option of death. On the other hand, Laertes had no choice in the matter because his plan backfired on him and killed him, as we see at the end. Hamlets patience paid off because he, Hamlet achieved his goal, and Laertes, the son of a fishmonger, did not.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Military Dolphin Research essays

Military Dolphin Research essays As intelligent and beautiful creatures of the sea, dolphins long ago captured the imaginations of human beings. Ancient artists in Crete (2500 B.C.) painted frescoes on the walls of the Minoan palace at Knossis of dolphins jumping in the blue Mediterranean waters. Today, we see dolphins depicted on T-shirts, jewelry, posters, and tattoos. During the 1950s, the television program Flipper (played by a dolphin named Mitzi) made dolphin intelligence widely known. For many years, Mitzi was also the star of a dolphin show in the Florida Keys in which she did amazing tricks and pulled children around in a little boat. Moreover, dolphins are friendly and seem to like human beings. Areas where people live close to the water are replete with dolphin stories about the helpfulness and protectiveness of dolphins. They are said to kill sharks, for example, and to nudge little kids back toward shore when they go out too deep in the ocean. Perhaps because there is such affection for these an imals, much controversy has arisen over their use by the military in waging war. This essay will argue, however, that military research on dolphins is humane and safe, the animals are not being harmed, and the research is of tremendous benefit both to dolphins and to humans. The Navy Marine Mammal Program began in 1960 when the Navy acquired a Pacific White-sided dolphin and began experimenting to improve torpedo performance. The goal was to see if dolphins had a sophisticated drag-reduction system, but the technology of the day was not equal to the study, so it was not considered successful. By 1964, however, more sophisticated animal research was done to study their senses and capabilities such as sonar and deep diving. In 1965 a dolphin named Tuffy learned to carry tools to workers 200 feet down and to locate and guide lost divers to safety (Wikipedia U. S. Navy marine Mammal Program web site). According to LeVasseur (Whales on the Net &...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

When the Tripods Came essays

When the Tripods Came essays Tripods. Have you ever seen one? Have you ever experienced an actually encounter with aliens? If you enjoy fun filled tales about aliens from outerspace, you might like this book. You dont think aliens can be that harmful to us humans, until you read this Science Fiction book. The story begins with Laurie and his friend Andy. They are young boys who get lost on their way home. When they decide to spend the night in a barn until morning, they discover a Tripod standing over a farmhouse about 100 feet away from them. The Tripod was soon destroyed by military and armed forced. The boys are then interviewed on t.v. and the radio as the first people ever to spot a Tripod. Lauries younger sister is named Angela. She is a spoiled 7 year old that always gets her way. Angela finds a new and interesting t.v. show that she has never seen before called The Trippy Show. Children all over the world watched this show, and began to break out in violent attacks. The children are said to be under Trippy control. Aliens, or as they call them, Trippies, have been giving signals to satellites and are controlling this show. When t.v. is no longer being shown anywhere in the world, the Trippies send special helmets down to Earth. Anyone who puts one on is now controlled by the Trippies. Laurie and his family are able to disable some of the helmets and act like Trippies long enough to get on an airplane to Switzerland where his Grandma owns land. They gather there with other non Trippy people and live together. Although this story didnt have a usual happy ending, they did manage to stay out of the Tripods control. I enjoyed this story because it was fun filled and I thought the Grandma was really funny. I hope you decide to read this book. You might enjoy the rest of the series too, called The Tripod Series. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

ECON DB2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ECON DB2 - Essay Example Cap and trade allows for tradable pollution permits. A tradable permit policy sets specific targets on total emissions and allows reallocation or auctioning of pollution permit allowances to industry polluters to meet their objectives. Companies that are able to limit their emissions more cost-effectively have the incentive to avoid purchasing more permit allowances and even sell their permit allowances in excess to polluters with higher demand of compliance. Under this type of approach, emission are set by the cap, however, the overall costs for compliance may be uncertain. With regards to Cap and Tax, a regulatory system is set that provides incentives for polluter companies to find cost-effective mechanisms for controlling their emissions. Firms will therefore pay taxes for their emissions if at all it is cheaper or reduce their emissions to avoid the imposition of tax for their damages to the environment. In cases of taxes to regulate emissions, the cost of compliance is known, but the levels of emission may be rather uncertain. A command and control approach sets fourth Emissions standards that are generally more stable as compared to carbon market controls. It is undeniable fact that trading markets, more so for carbon emissions can be unpredictable. Profiteering requires stability with a fairly of a secure investment decisions. With preset Emissions standards, companies can plan and diversify their investments into more energy efficient technologies that results into emission of emit less carbon. A key benefit of market mechanism is that it gives incentives for innovative continuous emissions reduction. In cases of inflation, market mechanisms are advantageous because they allow automatic adjustments to new prices and as such no legislative action is needed. An externality refers to a cost or a benefit of activities

Friday, November 1, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Annotated Bibliography - Assignment Example In the report, it was recommended that the modification of the existing crosswalk would be practical due to various factors including low cost. Again, it was considered important to have two paths on each side of the bridge connect in order to enhance access to the crosswalk. This article by Christopher B. Burke is based on the Village of Algonquin. According to the author, the village has faced with a critical population growth rate as well as immense expansion within the last two decades. These two factors calls for safety considerations on Randall Road especially given that the road is wide due to its four to six lanes. Four major locations were studied, which include Bunker Hill Drive, Mid block between Bunker Hill and Harnish Drive, Harnish Drive, County Lane Road, and Longmeadow Parkway. The study established three major improvements that included enhancements of at-grade crossing, Overpass Bridge, and underpass tunnel. This report by Jacobs Engineering includes the works done by Jacobs Engineering, sub-consultants, and partners. Evaluation of the feasibility in constructing a new pedestrian crossing that connects Charles Circle to Esplanade parkland is done. Various alternatives are initiated. These alternatives were based on the need for constructing the new bridge and the study of the existing bridge. Images are used to give a clear picture of the existing bridge in order to provide way to the new bridge construction. A feasibility study is presented to examine any possibility of constructing the new pedestrian bridge. The new bridge is meant to either supplement the exiting one or to replace it. This report is about Pedestrian Safety manly on Camus Crosswalks within big ten universities. The report summarizes meeting and site visits reports based on the Big Ten Universities, which are initiated with a view of discussing crosswalk safety issues as well as corrective measures that could be implemented to enhance pedestrian